Friday, 27 July 2012

Listen | Flying Lotus - Lovers Melt 3

Flying Lotus has once again given us a lovers mix for the summer, the third of his Lovers Melt mixes. He says:
“Another mix for your summer
some things you know
some things you may not

Download here:

To be honest the first Lovers Melt I don't think is that great. Mostly because a lot of the tracks are well known to me and I listen to regularly. Most though its a bit rambling and doesn't really have a flow which is a major problem if your going for the lover thing. The second one is a bit better but I wasn't too fussed with that either because, again it was a bit rambling. To be honest if he wasn't Flylo these mixes wouldn't get any coverage, but hey that's how it goes. In terms of summer mixes, Jazzy Jeff's summertime mix series is top of the pile for me. Enjoy.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Zentrip 12

Number twelve, this is one has dreamy mood. It starts off cosmic and then is a bit different to the usual with a fair helping of synthpop/blade runneresque sounds. It then goes all jazz/swing, I hope you drift away and make sure to check the Roswell Rudd number, fantastic stuff. This mix is indebted to the inventively written and musically insightful 20jazzfunkgreats blog.

lunar miasma - expanded dimension
orakel - the gate (ft dwight trible)
digit - eight long years
golden birthday - start swimming
rxgibbs - proxy
cosmez - gozmez land
wim mertens - maximising the audience
shadow shadow - riviera
austin peralta - capricornus
yesterday new quintet - master wei's tune
roswell rudd - suh blah buh sibi
flako - relief
flako - the answer ft dirg gerner
floating points ensemble - radiality
grant windsor's 3 five blind - 3 five blind
orakel - the beginning of the end

DL |

Monday, 16 July 2012

Watch | Grimes Live

Grimes has been on my radar for a while, I listened to Halfaxa a while ago and quite liked the sound. I like the washed out, layered sound with her beautifully delicate and abstract vocals. It has a melancholic depth to it I appreciate . Weird thing is I came across this half hour video of her playing live in a studio for the Vancouver radio station KEXP and it sounded new to me - love it when that happens. 

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Watch How To Dress Well Perform With New Live Band

Potholes In My Blog » Watch How To Dress Well Perform With New Live Band

Thanks to the excellent Potholes In My Blog site (linked above) here's a video of How To Dress Well playing a song off his forthcoming new album with a live band in Vancouver.

Incidentally, have you heard the one time only orchestral EP Tom Krell released on this day last year? It comprise orchestral versions of the three Suicide Dream tracks and Decisions off his first album. Its beautiful stuff made in memory of his best friend who died in August 2010. Its available on 10" and digitally. $1 dollar of every 10" sold will go to a mental health charity.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Simmer Gently

A bit of a house mix.

cottam - sunrise sunset
the revenge - night flight
dj romain presents darryl d bonneau - its the spirit
kim ann foxman - creature
strand - strandalicious
little dragon - precious
sbtrkt - when doves strike
phlash and friends - minefield
marijata - mother africa
questlove - ludwiggy
minnie ripperton - reasons (theo parrish edit)