Thursday, 25 November 2010

People get ready...a change is gonna come

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As a build up to this Saturday's gig by The Roots with John Legend in London I thought I'd do a compilation along similar lines to the tracks they covered. There's a bit of Max Roach, Gil Scott Heron, Curtis Mayfield, Barabara Mason, James Brown, Rose Royce, Otis Redding, Jimi Hendrix and more...

Zentrip 5

Number 5 in this series. Did this a while ago but moved house hence the delay. It was inspired by the Ninja Tunes XX celebrations, the Hidden Orchestra and the latest Timeless release, a tribute to Dilla.

Cinematic Orchestra - Time & Space (radio session)
Alif Tree - Rain River
Hidden Orchestra - Footsteps
Christian Prommer's Drumlesson - Elle
The Penguin Cafe Orchestra - Isle of View (music for helicoptor pilots
Christina Prommer's Drumlesson - Can You Feel It?
Nostalgia 77 - The Hunger
Cinematic Orchestra - Brother/The Revolution (radio session)
Floating Points Ensemble - Almost In Profile
Emanative - Flip Flop
Wes Montgomery - Maybe September
MIguel Atwood Feguson ft Flying Lotus - Drips/Take Notice